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PC With TV

Written by Shiv Prasad on 3:24 AM

What exactly is it? Well it's not a literal satellite dish that they cram into your PC. Some gifted entrepreneurs and technology gurus have put together a system that allows you to download software you can use to then pull down stations and shows from the internet onto your PC basically turning it into a Satellite TV.

There are basic computer requirements that your PC will have to meet. Most computers built in the last 6+ years meet this minimum requirements. They are 333Mhz CPU, video card, sound card, headphones or speakers and Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP or Vista.

This software lets you setup Satellite TV on your PC instantly. There are no charges or monthly fees that you need to pay to Watch TV or to pay the local cable or satellite TV provider.

You can now start watching TV on your PC and choosing from upwards of 3000 different stations in dozens of different languages. Its an amazing system that's been setup and it really does feel like they have turned your PC into a Satellite TV.

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